It's been a trying couple of days. It started last week w/the burning not once but TWICE of desserts at work. It continued thru Monday when two attempts to produce healthy & tasty meals for the kids deteriorated into the Taco Bell drive thru and culminated yesterday when I managed to lock myself out of my house (I thought the fact that the house key & car keys were on the same ring went w/o saying but, I was wrong) for an hour or so. Of the 3 people who live near me that actually have keys, no one was home!!! Finally, my friend who lives 20 minutes away was located & she came to rescue me. (Will AAA break into your house for you??) Scott, btw, is in KC MO this week.
I did get Thanh's terribly cute CJ done. It's on it's way to Erin. In my efforts to get it in the mail on time (for once!), I forgot to take pics. My Moose ATCs are almost done & STINKIN CUTE if I do say so myself. I will try to post them tomorrow.
For now, I'm off to watch some TIVOed Martha & to hopefully have a better day tomorrow. It's supposed to be a balmy 6 degrees in the morning. Hopefully, the school district will think that's too cold for the little darlings who wait for the bus & cancel school. I'm afraid if they do, I'll still have to go in & bake brownies for tomorrow's special event. Wonder if I can incinerate them too?