Sunday, July 13, 2008

I must be the worlds WORST blogger!!

I haven't posted since we were in Cape Girardeau. Now, we're in Des Moines IA. LONG trip up here but I slept most of it; got a headache from trying to read online stuff in the car. Dh got a new interent connection card thing & now, we can surf from anywhere. But, alas, I can not as I get car sick doing ANYTHING in the car but sleeping.

Some time in the next 3 days, I'm gonna meet up w/Shackies Cindi & Tracy. We're gonna meet at a LSS and PLAY!!! Woohoo!! I can hardly wait. Plus, dh will have to mind the kids while I get to play. Not the way these trips usually work out. Usually, it's me in the hotel with no car w/the kids for 4 days while he goes to work. I guess that IS the whole point but, it's gonna be fun for me to get to go somewhere!

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About Me

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I live in Southern IL, near StL. I've been married to Scott for 26 years and we have 2 kids: Becca 21 & Nick 19. We have a kitty named Jack. I work as a medical biller. Scott is an auditor & travels about 2 weeks of the month.
