Saturday, September 15, 2007

I've been MIA for too long!!

Things have been a little crazy here. School, Circle Journals, selling dd's American Girl stuff on eBay and getting new furniture for Nick are just a few of the things that have kept me away from here. I'm still reading everyone's blogs (Julie, FINALLY figured out the blog feeds thing. IT ROCKS!!!)

I'd like to say that now that we've settled into a routine, things will get easier. But alas, that is NEVER the case. We're heading into Birthday Central. Within the next 4 weeks we have my niece Marissa's birthday, my newphew Michael's birthday, my birthday, my brother Kevin's birthday, my mother-in-law Eveline's birthday and my son Nick's birthday. Also is my brother Wayne's wedding anniversary, my parent's anniversary and Scott & my anniversary. That's alot of carsd & alot of scanning. Maybe I will have something to post, soon??

In the meantime, here are the cards I rec'd when I was "flood victim" at the Stamp Shack. Every week, a new shackie is picked to be "flooded" with cards. Talk about a fun week! Everyday, you get cool mail!! Hope I can get this slide show to work. I haven't done them in a LONG time.

Just for the record, I couldn't get the slide show to work. I finally had to let them add it to my blog automatically. At least, THAT seems to have worked. Let me know if it didn't. :)


Mary Jayne said...

Suzi... very nice!
Beautiful cards... such creativity!! Very talented ladies!

Anonymous said...

G'day from Sunny Western Australia

You got lots of super cute cards Suzi, Happy to see my bella there- woohoo, I'm published on Suzi's blog!!!!

shuggy said...

uh, yeah, and you quit stalking...glad you are back!!

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About Me

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I live in Southern IL, near StL. I've been married to Scott for 26 years and we have 2 kids: Becca 21 & Nick 19. We have a kitty named Jack. I work as a medical biller. Scott is an auditor & travels about 2 weeks of the month.
