Happy Leap Day!!
Lookie here! 2 post, 2 days, 2 cards! Am I on a roll now?? Doubtful. LOLThese cards another "steal". I know I used to be able to "copy" a card but make it my own, know what I mean? Nowdays, I seem to just steal the whole thing & the only differnce may be a color change. I need to take "inspiration" from these cards instead of doing them exactly the same way. Oh well. It is a cute card & why mess w/perfection??? I'm going to give these cards to my co-workers today. I didn't get a chance to make them VD cards so, these ought to make up for it, don't you think??
I guess I can get partial credit for taking the idea and making these bag toppers?? I decided to give these to the kids & dh today. Dh was almost a Leap Day baby: he was born in 64 which was a Leap Year & his mom was getting VERY worried when the 27th rolled around & still no baby. Luckily, she had him that day instead of the 29th. The kids wish that he WAS born on Leap Day so they would be "older" than him.
Hmmm, these photos seem very washed out. I wonder why. I turned the flash off & they looked pretty good when I shrank them. Ok, I checked; you can click on the pics for more detail.
What a fun leap day card and candy bag! I love to celebrate these special days too!
Fun projects.
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