Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm going to Chicago!!

Dh somehow got us tickets to see the Cubs on 4/10. They are apparently pretty cool seats if not good seats. They are the first row in the "bleacher boxes". They are real seats not, bleachers and they are not in the drunk & stupid area. At least I hope these aren't drunk & stupid areas. DH says we might get a home run ball. Yeah, right. It is the Cubs, after alll.

I'm a little worried about the weather. It's probably gonna be cold. Probably VERY COLD. I guess we'll wear ALOT of layers. I'm thinking lots of polar fleece!! Oh, and I have down throws. I can squish all the air out of them & take them. Brrrr, I'm getting cold just THINKING about it.

I'm off to work on some Christmas cards. Maybe I'll have something to post tomorrow?

1 comment:

shuggy said...

i love the cubbies!!! have fun!!!

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I live in Southern IL, near StL. I've been married to Scott for 26 years and we have 2 kids: Becca 21 & Nick 19. We have a kitty named Jack. I work as a medical biller. Scott is an auditor & travels about 2 weeks of the month.
