Thursday, February 1, 2007

I am a Failure!

It's official. What my hubby has been telling me for years is now official: I am a failure at housekeeping. I have no good excuse: I have TONS of excuses, just none of them GOOD!! I only work 5.5 hours a day. I have at least 45 min between work & time to pick Becca up from school. I have 1.5 hours between getting home w/Becs and the time dinner is on the table (occasionally, some of that time is spent PREPARING the dinner). I have about 4 hours between dinner & bedtime. I SHOULD be able to get something done. But no. I sit at the computer and read & play games & now, blog.

The closet is NOT done!! The table is NOT cleaned off!! The stamps are NOT mounted!! The 10 Chrstimas cards are NOT done!! (there are 9 done. I'll do 11 for Feb now!) But, I did manage to watch Tuesday's Gilmore Girls. GOOD BYE CHRIS!! Don't let the door hit you in the butt!!!

1 comment:

Sara71 said...

Lol you are not a failure!!! Although I think sometimes we should be married to each other. AT least then we wouldn't care if the house was clean!!!! LOL

Love ya!

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About Me

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I live in Southern IL, near StL. I've been married to Scott for 26 years and we have 2 kids: Becca 21 & Nick 19. We have a kitty named Jack. I work as a medical biller. Scott is an auditor & travels about 2 weeks of the month.
